Buy Genex Genotropin 12mg in Canada | Pfizer Human Growth Hormone

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Buy GeneX Genotropin Pen in Canada | Human Growth Hormone Pen

Genotropin Pen (1 unit)


Genotropin Pen (1 unit)


(Pen Format) Human Growth Hormone can make you younger, bigger, and stronger at the same time. The key to success is the right dosage.

  • Rapid dry muscle gains;

  • Muscle hardening;

  • Strength gains;

  • Body fat percentage decrease;

  • Full body recomposition in one cycle.


About Genotropin Pen:

Are you looking to buy a Genotropin Pen online in Canada? Genotropin Pen is a premium pen that is primarily used to mix and inject doses of Genotropin powder. Our Genotropin Pen contains a dual-port mix chamber in addition to its rigid exterior design.

Use Process:

  1. Secure the needle in place.
  2. Introduce the dual-port cartridge into the pen.
  3. Ready the pen by activating the release knob, revealing the pen’s active area.
  4. Inspect the solution, releasing any trapped air if necessary.
  5. Choose your preferred dosage carefully.
  6. Administer the Genotropin injection.
  7. Dispose of the needle responsibly and store the Genotropin pen securely in a designated location.

*Ensure that you store the Genotropin Pen in a safe location and out of the reach of children. Refrigerators are preferred as the storage temps should be around 2-8 degrees Celcius.

Recommended Dosage:

Shipping Information: 
After you buy a Genotropin Pen we will ship in a safe and secure manner. Your product will be contained within medical-grade semi-rigid or rigid packaging.

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